Following a semester of research in timber fabrication and material recyclability, the final project culminated in a timber bus-stop library for the students of Ithaca school district.

After the hypothetical demolition of Cayuga Cabin, this bus-stop pavilion recycles the mass timber elements into a pavilion suitable for the k-12 children in Ithaca, NY. A practice in digital fabrication and upcycling, the final product was inspired by the beauty of the parabolic curve, created out of the intersection of multiple linear elements. This temporary pavilion would be held for the summer and dismantled, to be further used elsewhere in the material economy.

YEAR Fall, 2020

PHASE Paper Project

TEAM John Conrad, under Professors Felix Heizel and Sasa Zivkovik, TA Elias Bennett

EXHIBITION ARCH 1102 Studio, Cornell AAP

Feature - Cornell.Architecture Instagram, June 4, 2020


Wegman Ct.


Viscous + Sound